The level of fondness a particular breed is inclined to show towards family members and familiar individuals. Certain breeds may come across as distant and uninterested towards everyone except their owner, whereas other breeds consider everyone they know as their closest ally. |
Good With Children
The disposition of a breed towards other dogs in terms of general friendliness. It is important to supervise dogs during interactions and introductions with other dogs regardless of the breed. However, some breeds have a natural inclination to establish better compatibility with other dogs, whether it's in a home environment or in public settings. |
Good With Other Dogs
The degree to which a breed exhibits tolerance and patience towards children's behavior, along with their overall family-friendly nature. It is crucial to supervise dogs when they are around young children or any children who have limited experience with dogs regardless of the breed. However, certain breeds tend to display a higher level of tolerance and an affinity for a family-oriented environment making them more suitable for households with children. |
No Shedding
Hair Everywhere
The amount of fur and hair that can be expected to be shed by a particular breed. Breeds that have high shedding tendencies will typically require more frequent brushing to manage the loose hair. Additionally, they may be more likely to trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Owning a high-shedding breed also often requires more consistent efforts in terms of vacuuming and using lint rollers to keep the environment clean and free of shed hair. |
The grooming needs of a breed including the frequency of bathing, brushing, trimming, and other coat maintenance tasks. It's essential to consider your available time, patience and budget for grooming when choosing a breed. Some breeds require more extensive and frequent grooming, including regular bathing, brushing, and coat trimming, which can be time-consuming and may require professional grooming services. However, all breeds will need regular nail trimming as a part of their basic grooming routine. |
Less Likely to Drool
Always Have a Towel
The predisposition of a breed to drool. If you have a preference for a clean and tidy environment breeds that tend to drool excessively may not be the most suitable choice for you. Some dogs have a tendency to produce ropes of slobber or leave big wet spots on clothes or furniture. It's important to consider your personal preference for cleanliness when selecting a breed, as some breeds generally have a higher likelihood of drooling. |
Silky |
Long |
Everyone Is My Best Friend
The predisposition of a breed to drool. If you have a preference for a clean and tidy environment breeds that tend to drool excessively may not be the most suitable choice for you. Some dogs have a tendency to produce ropes of slobber or leave big wet spots on clothes or furniture. It's important to consider your personal preference for cleanliness when selecting a breed, as some breeds generally have a higher likelihood of drooling. |
Only When You Want To Play
The level of enthusiasm a breed is likely to have towards play even as they grow beyond puppyhood. Certain breeds maintain a strong desire for play and engagement even into their adult years. They may continue to enjoy activities like tug-of-war, fetch, or interactive games. These breeds often have high energy levels and a playful demeanor. On the other hand, some breeds tend to have a more relaxed temperament and may prefer spending most of their time relaxing on the couch or indulging in calmer activities. It's important to consider this aspect when choosing a breed that aligns with your own activity level and play preferences. |
What's Mine Is Yours
The propensity of a breed to alert their owners when strangers are in the vicinity. Some breeds have a natural inclination to be vigilant and react to potential threats notifying their owners of any perceived danger. Whether it's the arrival of the mailman or a squirrel outside the window, these breeds are more likely to exhibit a heightened alertness and may bark or display other signs of awareness. However, it's important to note that with proper socialization and acceptance by the family, these breeds can also become more welcoming and accepting of strangers who enter their home. |
Lives For Routine
Highly Adaptable
The adaptability of a breed to handle changes in various aspects of life, such as living conditions, noise levels, weather conditions, daily schedules, and other variations in day-to-day life. Some breeds are naturally more flexible and adaptable, smoothly adjusting to new environments, routines, and different stimuli. These breeds tend to be less affected by changes and are more resilient. However, other breeds may be more sensitive and less capable of handling significant changes, requiring more time and support to adapt. When considering a breed, it's important to assess their ability to handle and adjust to different circumstances based on your lifestyle and potential changes in the future. |
Eager to Please
Discover how effortlessly your furry friend can be trained and how enthusiastically they embrace new skills. Certain breeds are inherently inclined to delight their owners by eagerly taking on challenges, while others prioritize their independence and have a penchant for exercising their free will at any given time and location. |
Determine the level of physical activity and cognitive engagement required by different breeds. High-energy breeds exhibit a strong readiness for action constantly seeking new ventures. They devote their time to exhilarating activities, such as running, leaping, and engaging in playful pursuits. On the other hand, low-energy breeds resemble couch potatoes content with leisurely lounging and indulging in peaceful slumber. |
Medium |
Happy to Lounge
Needs a Job or Activity
Evaluate the level of mental stimulation necessary to maintain the happiness and well-being of a particular breed. Purpose-bred dogs often possess qualities like decision-making abilities, problem-solving skills, and concentration, which require regular mental exercise. Without sufficient mental stimulation, they may take matters into their own paws and engage in activities that may not align with your preferred projects. Providing adequate mental challenges and enrichment activities can help ensure they channel their cognitive energy in positive and desirable ways. |
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Chocolate Tan & White
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