In the year 1958, an important biological experiment was carried out in Czechoslovakia, which was referred to as CSSR back then. This experiment involved a group of forty diligent German Shepherds and four remarkable Carpathian wolves named Brita, Argo, Sarik, and Lejdy. Two individuals, Col. Karel Hartl (known as 'Hartl') and Frantisek Rosik (known as 'Rosik') joined forces to establish this unique breed. The concept of utilizing wolf DNA to create an exceptional border guard dog with heightened hearing, scenting, sight and weather resistance and endurance skills originated from Hartl. On the other hand, Rosik, affectionately called 'Dedo' (Granddad) within the dog enthusiast community, desired to develop a breed that would achieve international recognition.
The findings of this experiment were published in the years 1964-1965, leading to the emergence of a new breed that proved to be a fast learner, possessed a sturdy physique, demonstrated high persistence, and displayed resilience against unfavorable conditions. According to Hartl the third generation hybrids surpassed German Shepherds on race tracks due to their extraordinary orientation abilities, endurance while running, and the exceptional quality of their fur.
The selective breeding process constituted the initial steps in the development of the breed we now know as the Czechoslovakian Vlcak, or in short, CsV. As a relatively recent breed, CsV has highly detailed documentation of its bloodlines. The breeding program utilizing the four Carpathian wolves resulted in the creation of five distinct bloodlines. The first two bloodlines were established by Brita in 1958 and 1960, and the remaining three were established by Argo in 1968, Sarik in 1972, and Lejdy in 1983. The breed's bloodlines were closed after the establishment of Leddy’s line. In 1982, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog received national recognition as a breed through the general committee of the breeder's associations of CSSR at that time.