The Spitz, known as the oldest dog breed in Central Europe, holds a significant place in the ancestry of various European breeds. Remarkably well-preserved Stone Age Peat Dogs, referred to as Torfhund (Canis familiaris palustris Rüthimeyer), dating back 6,000 years, have been discovered in countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, England, and Ireland. These archaeological finds closely resemble modern European Spitz dogs. The term "Spitz" stems from the Old Dutch language and translates literally as "pointed peaks."
Throughout medieval times the Spitz was a common and valued breed. It served as a dependable watchdog, assisted in vermin control, and acted as a guardian for livestock and vineyards. While the color of the small Spitz (klein, mittel) did not hold specific significance the large Spitz (Gross spitz) exhibited distinct distribution areas and characteristics based on color variation. The white Gross Spitz was predominantly found in northern and central Germany, where it played the role of a typical farm guardian and was particularly skilled in herding sheep (known as Pommerscher Hütespitz). The white color was of high importance for a herding dog, as it facilitated easy differentiation from wolves, even from afar or in low light conditions. The black Gross Spitz, on the other hand enjoyed widespread presence in the southern German wine-growing regions. By day, they diligently protected the yards, and at night, they were sent to safeguard the vineyards. The brown Gross Spitz was also prevalent in southern Germany, although it was considered extinct for a considerable period. In 2011, the first brown Gross Spitz was successfully bred through careful backcrossing from the black Spitz. Currently, breeding and exhibitions showcase the colors white, black and brown, with white being the most common.
The Association for German Spitz (Gross Spitz) was established in 1899. Initially, only white, black, and wolf-grey colors were recognized. Though white Spitz were predominantly bred with each other occasional crosses with black Spitz were introduced every few generations to strengthen pigmentation. In 1906, all colors were permitted for small Spitz, but restrictions still existed for large Spitz. It was not until 1958 that small Spitz colors were officially limited to white, black, brown, orange and other shades, including parti-colors. Large Spitz continued to be registered solely in white, black, and brown. Notably, the merle color pattern remains unacceptable. In 1959, further divisions were made based on size, distinguishing the breed as Klein Spitz (toy), Mittel Spitz (miniature), and Gross Spitz (large or giant). In 1969, the FCI Standard extended to include size variants for the Mittel Spitz.
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, many German Spitz were brought to the United States by German immigrants. Unfortunately, due to negative stereotypes surrounding immigrants as financially challenged and uneducated individuals, the breed was unfairly denigrated as sneaky, ill-tempered, and difficult. It was not until the early 1990s that German Spitz owners began seeking recognition from the American Kennel Club (AKC). In 1996, the AKC accepted the German Spitz for recordation in the Foundation Stock Service. Unlike the FCI and European registries, the AKC does not differentiate between various sizes and colors of the breed, recording all as a single breed and exhibiting them collectively.