The Kai Ken is indeed one of the six native Japanese breeds and has a fascinating history. It was discovered in 1929 in the mountainous regions of Kai province near Mount Fuji. The Kai Ken Aigokai formed in 1931, is the oldest and largest registry dedicated to Kai Kens. This breed's hunting prowess and agility made them well-suited for a wide range of game hunting, from pheasants to bear.
The Japanese Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 1934. Limited information is available due to the language barrier, but it is believed that the first Kai Kens were brought to the United States in the 1950s by US servicemen stationed in Japan. A pair of Kai Kens was also sent to Salt Lake City during this time although their fate and the existence of any surviving offspring is unknown.
The next known arrival of Kai Kens in the United States occurred in 1990 when a four-year-old male and three female puppies were imported. In 1991 an additional six puppies were brought over followed by one more male puppy in the subsequent year. These dogs formed the genetic foundation for all the American-bred Kai Kens, shaping the breed as we know it today.
Originally, there were two types of Kai Kens with distinct characteristics inherited from their foundation studs. Kaikuro known for its bear-like face, contributed to the "shishi-inu-gata" type, which was stockier and thicker. Dario renowned for deer hunting, influenced the "shika-inu-gata" type, which possessed a slimmer body and a more foxlike face. Each type contributed unique qualities, including strength, speed, agility and quick thinking which are evident in today's Kai Ken breed.
In Japan, the Kai Ken is held in high regard by the Japanese people, who no longer distinguish between the two types. One type is not preferred over the other. The Japanese describe the Kai Ken as a reliable guardian that is extremely devoted to its master. They believe that a Kai Ken will sacrifice its life to protect its owner. The breed is highly cherished and protected in its native country where it is considered a cultural treasure.